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Mediterraneo Marine Park

Bienvenue sur le site officiel du Mediterraneo Marine Park, une attraction touristique de premier plan à Malte qui invite les visiteurs à explorer et découvrir un large éventail d'animaux marins, d'oiseaux et de reptiles. Dans notre parc, vous rencontrerez des grands dauphins enchanteurs, des otaries charismatiques, des perroquets vibrants, des oiseaux exotiques, des insectes fascinants et des reptiles intrigants, tous coexistant dans un environnement unique et éducatif. De plus, deux adorables coatis ajoutent au charme de notre parc. Notre mission est de défendre la conservation de la vie marine et de transmettre au public des connaissances précieuses sur l'importance cruciale de la préservation de nos océans et des magnifiques créatures qui les habitent. Rejoignez-nous dans un voyage d'éducation, de fascination et d'appréciation des merveilles du monde marin.

Sol the Dolphin at Mediterraneo Marine Park Malta

Say Hi


Sol the Dolphin, Junior the Sea Lion, and Lucy the Coati.

Junior the Sea Lion at Mediterraneo Marine Park Malta
Lucy the Coati at Mediterraneo Marine Park Malta

Aidez-nous à protéger la vie marine

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Meet Our Amazing Dolphin Family!

Mediterraneo Marine Park is proud to be home to a phenomenal pod of five bottlenose dolphins. Sol, our adopted dolphin, brings a wealth of experience to the group. Ninu, born deaf in 2010, thrives using a unique communication system with our trainers. Cha, named after the Maltese word for "pebbles" reflecting our park's location, delights visitors with his playful spirit. Rounding out the pod are Rohan and Luqa, our youngest members, who were born in 2018 and 2019 respectively.


Our dedicated team provides exceptional care for all our animals, ensuring their well-being and continued enrichment. Witness the incredible bond between dolphins and trainers during our daily presentations, and learn fascinating facts about these intelligent creatures.

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Meet Junior, Malta's Beloved Sea Lion

Junior, born in July 2003, holds the special distinction of being the only sea lion born in Malta. A true star of Mediterraneo, Junior continues to charm visitors with his playful personality. We're thrilled to announce plans for a brand new sea lion area, where Junior can enjoy a spacious home and the companionship of new friends!


Create a Memory!

Take a photo with the Dolphin

Create a lasting memento of your dolphin encounter! Take a personal photo with a dolphin after the presentation for just €12.


Horaires d'ouvertures:


Lundi 9:30 - 17:00


Mardi 9:30 - 17:00


Mercredi 9:30 - 17:00


Jeudi 9:30 - 17:00


Vendredi 9:30 - 17:00


Samedi 9:30 - 17:00


Dimanche 9:30 - 17:00

Bahar ic-Caghaq, Naxxar NXR9030 Malte

+356 21372218

Prenez contact

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